Spezialfragen Bauphysik
Chair of Building Physics

 u p d a t e   Monday, October 22, 2007


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The goals

The main goal and focus of Building Technology I - IV is the sustainability of construction and of buildings. This concerns the selection of materials (BT I), the comfort of the inhabitants, the energy need and the durability of buildings (BT II - IV).

Building Materials

The students shall

  • know the most important properties of the most relevant materials classes for construction, design and ecology and be able to explain them in real constructions,
  • know the most relevant professional expressions and use them intelligently in discussion with professionals.

Building Physics

The students shall

  • know the natural laws relevant for the sustainability of a building, in other words for comfort, energy need and durability of a building,
  • be able to explain the corresponding relations on drawings and constructions,
  • be able to judge design proposals, energy concepts and possibly improve them,
  • be able to compute the most relevant parameters for given situations or at least estimate them.



  • In addition to the lectures comprehensive scripts are available in German for reference.


  • All excercises are held during the term as tutorials
  • Further information on excercises for students of Architecture and Civil Engineering are available in German on our Services-page.


  • Intermediate Diploma Examinations in Building Technology for students of Architecture are taken inbetween term sessions - one in spring and one in fall.
  • For further information (in German) on examination dates and preparation option (list of questions) please refer to our Services-page.
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